• +91 8897208298
  • contact@caarefoundation.org
  • India

Our Services

Caare Telemedicine Foundation: Specialized Healthcare Services

At Caare Telemedicine Foundation, we’re committed to bringing high-quality, specialized healthcare directly to underserved communities. We are accredited by the National Health Authority of India, ensuring our services meet the highest standards.

Through innovative technology and a dedication to local needs, Caare offers a comprehensive suite of healthcare services:

Phygital Clinics:

Our flagship Phygital Clinic Model combines the benefits of a physical clinic with the reach of telemedicine. This hybrid approach provides:

  • Accessibility: Convenient on-site care with local healthcare professionals.
  • Affordability: Flexible payment options to make specialist care attainable.
  • Quality: Access to remote consultations with renowned specialists through our secure telemedicine platform.

Elderly Care:

We understand the unique needs of seniors. Caare’s Elderly Care program offers:

  • Specialist consultations in familiar settings: Reduce anxiety and improve comfort by providing specialized care within the familiar environment of a patient’s home.
  • Focus on well-being: Our services are designed to enhance overall health and quality of life for seniors.
  • Reduced healthcare costs: Early intervention and preventative care can help minimize healthcare expenses in the long run.


Caare recognizes the challenges of accessing healthcare in remote areas. Our Pharma program leverages technology to support Medical Representatives:

  • Remote care delivery: Expand reach and provide vital healthcare services to geographically dispersed communities.
  • Technological support: Enhance the capabilities of Medical Representatives with innovative tools and resources.


Cancer care shouldn’t be a burden of distance. Caare OncoHUB provides specialized cancer care through a network of spokes:

  • Expert consultations: Connect patients with oncology specialists for comprehensive consultations and treatment plans.
  • Local access and support: Our network of spokes ensures patients have support and resources close to home.

Together, we can bridge the healthcare gap and ensure everyone has access to the care they deserve.

Contact us today to learn more about how Caare Telemedicine Foundation can serve your community.