• +91 8897208298
  • contact@caarefoundation.org
  • India

Partnering to create a community

At Caare Telemedicine Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration. We can’t achieve our mission of transforming healthcare in underserved communities alone. That’s why we partner with a diverse range of organizations and individuals who share our commitment to building a healthier future for all.

Why Partner with Caare?

  • Make a Measurable Difference: Our innovative Phygital Clinic Model and specialized services directly address healthcare disparities in rural communities. Partnering with Caare allows you to be a part of this impactful change.
  • Mutually Beneficial Collaborations: We work closely with our partners to tailor collaborations that align with your goals and expertise.
  • Shared Vision, Shared Success: Your contribution, combined with ours, creates a powerful force for positive change.
  • Transparency and Impact Reporting: We believe in open communication and will keep you informed about the impact of our joint efforts.


Our Ideal Partners:

  • Philanthropic Foundations: Your generous grants can support the expansion of our Phygital Clinic network, development of AI-powered healthcare solutions, and critical community outreach programs.
  • Corporate Sponsors: By sponsoring a clinic or specific program, you can directly invest in improving the lives of rural communities. Additionally, your expertise in areas like technology, logistics, or marketing can be invaluable.
  • Technology Providers: We’re constantly seeking innovative solutions to improve our telemedicine platform and integrate cutting-edge healthcare technologies. Partnerships with tech companies can propel our mission forward.
  • Local NGOs and Community Leaders: You play a vital role in connecting us with communities, raising awareness about our services, and fostering trust within local populations.

Become a Partner in Change

We invite organizations and individuals who share our vision to join us in creating a healthier future for all. Here are some ways you can partner with Caare:

  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Sponsor a Phygital Clinic, specific program, or telemedicine equipment.
  • In-Kind Donations: Contribute essential medical supplies, medications, or technological resources.
  • Volunteer Expertise: Share your skills and knowledge to support our various initiatives.
  • Co-create Awareness Campaigns: Collaborate on outreach programs to educate communities about the benefits of our services.
  • Research Partnerships: Work with us to explore innovative solutions and advance the field of rural healthcare delivery.


Together, we can build a network of support that empowers communities, improves health outcomes, and creates a lasting positive impact.

 Contact Us Today!

We’d love to discuss potential partnerships and explore how your organization can contribute to Caare’s mission. Let’s build a healthier future, one community at a time.

 We believe in the strength of collaboration. Together, let’s bridge the healthcare gap and create a world where everyone thrives.